‘’Look at all of those bloody hawthorns!’’, I shouted as I viewed a small, wooded bank on newly bought ‘Moondawn’. More thorns than any other tree, it looked impenetrable. This statement alone, would have initiated a cull in the first year of at least 50% of them. But the need to keep my projects & developments visually blurred within the landscape, stayed my hand….thorns make good shelter.
Moondawn Thorns

In my case I wanted many varieties of tree fruit. Starting with apples, I obtained ‘scions’ (small twigs) of the apple trees that I wanted, then grafted them onto specifically bred ‘rootstocks’ of apple which have a growth habit best matching my needs.
But, I do hanker for a little more self-reliance and adventure; having to buy commercial rootstocks isn't a challenge…..something tinkling in the back of my mind….what did growers use before commercialisation?
OK, back to basics. Fortunately I've worked with trees and shrubs all of my independent life, & have a usable botanical knowledge. The largest percentage of our northern tree fruit are within the Rosaceae plant family….. apples, pears, plums, cherries, quinces..…even strawberries, raspberries & blackberries ( & roses, of course)! The trick it seems, is to find a native tree or shrub that will be a close enough genetic match to the fruit you wish to replicate.
Enter, Hawthorn!!! It’s also in the Rosaceae bunch, and was used as a rootstock in earlier centuries to graft the fruit, Medlar onto, as they’re VERY close cousins. So as a trial, I gave medlar a go on the regrowth of a felled thorn & ‘’hey presto!’’, they ‘took’!.....
Medlar graft on hawthorn, a little moth-eaten
Next? Hmmm…PEAR!! These are a tad trickier, & are generally grafted onto a variety of quince rootstock. What the heck! I managed to find some ‘Hessle’ pear – a reliable, sweet, Yorkshire variety, & plenty of ‘Conference’. Winter 2010/11 I picked several thorn stems worth playing with on a sunny bank, & slipped the pears in.
I pretty much left it for a couple of years as life was busy, but recently had a scratch around & found that I had about a 50% take….damned good for something left out to the elements.
Grafting in session
So, ‘’that’s a nice story…’’ you might say, ‘’…and your point is?’’……
The point is that our native trees in this plant family, happen to be some of the most prolific, resilient, fastest-growing species around. Don’t we yearn to return to times when kids can go out to a hedgerow, woodland edge or copse, & pick ripe tree fruit at will? Instead, unless they have access to an orchard or well-stocked garden, supermarket ‘blandings’ are all they’ll experience. Groups talk of ‘community gardens & orchards’, yet fail to see the wealth of potential within the trees they’re grubbing up to achieve this – trees that are already rooted-down, established & vigorous, & which just need converting through grafting.This isn’t a call-to-arms to convert EVERY tree, but to make use of those that might otherwise end up uncared-for, or destroyed….convert them to fruit trees!
Conference pear graft on hawthorn

By the way, have you ever looked at a single rowan berry, & noticed the shape similarity to another, larger fruit?
Guess what my next trick’s going to be?
by Niall Wildwoode
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All Rights Reserved, Niall Wldwoode 2013.
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