Thursday, 20 June 2013

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What's in a Name? by Richard Gordon

What's in a Name? By Richard Gordon

Are there any real differences between belief systems and the way that magik works? 

I was recently involved in an interesting discussion about the core workings of magik, during which a friend asked whether or not that it may be that the only major difference between witches, magicians, sorcerers, mages, warlocks, and other disciplines’ practices were fundamentally different at a working level or just a choice of title? 

As it tends to be generally accepted, that in the majority of cases any magikal action tends to work via the act of focusing our concentrated will towards a specific result, it appeared at first, that the most likely answer to this question would have been that it was just a choice of title. Although I prefer not to pigeon hole people or their chosen belief systems, after much deliberation and some more in-depth discussions with practising occultists it would appear that there are some distinctly important variations in the way that people involved within some of the widely known paths set about carrying out their magikal/ritual work. 

Before we cover the work itself I would like to touch upon a few of the titles that people use, an occult magician, wizard and a sorcerer may appear at face value to be very similar characters, and I’m quite sure that many using these titles haven’t given it a second thought.

If we look into a common definition of the sorcerer we find that it often describes them as being someone who may be involved with dark forces or are perhaps obsessed with gaining power or energy that they selfishly use towards their own personal gain.

This of course calls to mind a very different image from that of the wise wizard, shaman, ritual magician or hedge witch who are often seen as working for the good of their community.

Preconceptions aside, if we delve a little deeper we find that there are indeed important differences to be found within the way that people go about their ritual work. The ritual magician or sorcerer is often involved in the act of controlling spirits and demons towards the work in hand, whereas the witch may ask for help in her work from her chosen goddess or god, spirits or elementals.

This reveals a major difference within the spiritual paths and their working approach, whilst some may almost be said to be working in the manner of a slave masters by seeking to secure a spirit in bondage to do their bidding; others are merely asking for a favour of other worldly beings or for their help in the boosting of their own energy towards creating a desired outcome. 

Without going into the intricacies of ritual magik or spell work, there appears to another major difference to be found within the way that many practitioners of the art focus their energy.

Whilst many feel they are working from the head others swear that they are working from the heart, this difference in approach becomes especially evident when we compare ritual magicians or practitioners of Hermetics with the practise of traditional witchcraft. Also when raising energy frequently the magician will draw down energy through the crown chakra, whereas the witch will frequently draw energy through the feet from the earth. 
As a rule, ritual or chaos magicians have a tendency to need to be in control of all the factors that may be involved within their work, and although many still use an exotic array of ritual equipment and traditional paraphernalia many others have moved towards what has become a more modern way of working, and that is to work mainly within the mind in the format of a controlled visualization. 

This visualized method involves intense focused concentration and can often take many years of practise to perfect; it does however have the added bonus of overriding many of the external factors that may affect the outcome of holding an actual physical ritual. 

If we then consider the practise of witchcraft, which shouldn’t be confused with the modern practise of Wicca, many also work via a concentration of visualized will, yet the focused centre of energy is said by many to radiate from within the heart and the form is more instinctual than a measured intellectual response.

I believe the answer to this difference in approaches is to be found within the applied magikal action involved, the universe itself is said, by many esoteric and spiritual belief systems, to manifest in a distinct sequence. From a state of nothingness sprouts a sea of raw energy, this sea of virginal energy then condenses into several ethereal and dimensional levels before condensing into state of being which we experience as our base reality.

The witch could be said to be mainly working within this timeframe via influencing the structure of the energy that exists within his or her reality, akin to a magikal seed that grows in power until it reaches fruition (Sympathetic magik), whilst alternatively the ritual magician is attempting to alter reality by creating a connection to its universal pre-manifest source, wilfully directing it towards their own design before it comes into being. 

Although essentially working from alternative ends of the spectrum each system has the manipulation of energy at its core, and as both are said to produce fairly consistent results it would be hard to say whether or not one is more relevant or powerful than the other.

This being the case perhaps the most logical move for anyone working in the magikal field would be to design an all-powerful eclectic system that unites the two.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Geo-Engineering Renfrewshire

Thing's have been heating up in Scotland with regards to the Geo-engineering issue, the people have had enough and all over the country people are taking the necessary action to put an end to this madness. 

In Renfrewshire there's been people making donations to gift Orgonite and the first chem-tower for the community but to be honest at this stage I'm not sure how effective these are and whether while people are focused on doing this, more effective ways of dealing with the madness are being neglected.

So in Renfrewshire we decided it's not enough to focus on only one potential solution but instead to take as much action as possible towards a conclusion that is satisfactory for the people here and as we do hoping that similar action is being taken in other constituents and countries across the World.

As you can see from the video below which includes only a tiny fraction of the pictures taken in Renfrewshire, strange flights have become the norm in Paisley and the hazy skies are becoming so much the norm that most people fail to notice.

Having contacted all 40 Renfrewshire Councillor's and the local Environmental Services department it is unclear whether there is any knowledge about Geo-engineering at a local level but unfortunately my gut tells me they really don't know, as like many of the population they are scurrying around trying their best and not really looking up. One thing I've had confirmed though is that there is no talk of the issue at all within the Scottish Parliament, we know there's been reports from Westminster and that as usual the response is to try to pass it off as conspiracy theory but if this is what it is, why are there so many government documents available?

The dismissal from the Environmental Services was no more than a brush off with the questions posed not even being fully answered, and so at time I'll get a follow up happening but for now we are in data collection mode, taking pictures of the unusual flights, the spray marks, the HAARP clouds and the recent visits from helicopters making strange sounds!

With the help of a local friend of the people we are also conducting analysis of samples from our local area and once the data is collected the next will be taken.  The biggest challenge in the chemtrail/Geo-engineering debacle is that the majority of the British population either do not see or pretend it's not happening as the whole concept terrifies them.

There's even been stories in the mainstream news to condition the mind for acceptance of Geo-engineering, as always sold to us as being for our own good, to protect us from the sun.  I have to say I'd much rather put my faith in nature and the Planet than the crazy scientists who have concocted this cover story. 

There's a lot of evidence out there on the subjects of Geo-Engineering and the contents of chemtrails, some of which does make for scary reading but the biggest convincer of all is the government documents that exist on this issue and the amount of patents that have been licensed around it.

My personal view is that the weather manipulation is part of a bigger plan to ensure farmers are beholden to companies like Monsanto who have developed Genetically Modified seeds which are Barium, Strontium and Aluminium resistant, they have also developed crops that are drought resistant and every other possible eventuality. One of the things I found particularly bizarre this year, yes, even more bizarre than chemtrails, was that in Scotland a country renowned for it's rainfall, we celebrated the arrival of rain.  Just once, but we did, because we'd not seen it for months.

For those who are still in doubt about this issue it is worth considering what the economic and political repercussions of a Scotland dependant on outside help to grow our own produce would mean for the country and it's people. 

Thankfully, the people of Scotland will be joining the rest of the World making our voices heard on 25th August 2013 at George Square, hope you can join us.

Rashelle Reid

© 2013 Enlightening Times All Rights Reserved

Learn the meaning of Tarot Cards using the Soulscapes Tarot Online

You can read the traditional interpretations for the Tarot images by Michael Tsarion beside each of the images from the Soulscapes Tarot. Click on the image below and you will see all of the Major Arcana from the Tarot Deck.

The Soulscapes Tarot have just been published in April this year. A companion guide is currently being written and more details about this will be published in the Enlightening Times very soon.

Click ESOTERIC ART IMAGE To get your copy of the Soulscapes Tarot from the Esoteric Art Webstore!

Friday, 14 June 2013

Tweepelicious Book Review by Kate Griffith

When Lynn said that she was going to write a book about how to use Twitter, my heart sank.  It did not seem that original.  I was aware of a number of ebooks in particular that were out there already and I myself used to run workshops for people on how to use social media.  I could not see what the angle would be or why it was needed.

Despite my forebodings, I could not have been more wrong about Tweepelicious.  It was packed full of really useful tips.  Some of it was not particularly new but it had passed me by at the time, like the cessation of links between Twitter and Linkedin.  When I first read the book I was still adding hashtag (#in) on the more business-based ones thinking that One thing I appreciate about Lynn’s writing is that she is very thorough.  She researches a topic in-depth before she commits pen to paper.

The other thing that really comes through is how much she is in her element when talking about online presence.  Take the example of automating your twitter feed.  She reviewed all the various applications that you could go with, giving the advantages and disadvantages of using each one pretty much based on her own personal experience of the particular application.  That kind of detail makes it much easier for the end user to choose their application of choice.  Another example of her attention to detail is the effort she put into pulling together the kindle version of the book which is what I have.  She made sure it was stuffed full of hyperlinks so that users could navigate the content more easily.

The book has value for both Twitter newbies and those who have used Twitter more extensively.  It is a rare feat to be able to write for such diverse audiences well.  One of my favourite tips was on how to revive life into your Twitter lists.  Lynn explained that there was an application called refollow which you can use to manage your lists with ease.  This really appealed to me because I set up a number of lists on Twitter when they first came out and then have not done as much with them as I could have done.  A tool like refollow is vital when you have 1000s of followers and want to be able to sift through them quickly and effectively.

I am someone who has never been an out and out fan of promotional marketing because it seems pushy and in your face.  What I most enjoyed about the book was how Lynn weaved in the theory of the 7 Graces into the book showing us how we can use them within social media.  I learnt that it was okay to have a handful of tweets about a blog post that you use more than once as well as in a number of places.  The key to ensure that your followers accept such tweets is to make sure the tweets are relevant to them and that they are well written.  Lynn sees writing a tweet akin to composing a haiku and you can see that is true for her in the care that she takes in putting tweets together.

In short Tweepelicious is a comprehensive guide on how to get the best out of Twitter.  It deals with the basics very well whilst giving those of us who are more experienced with Twitter plenty of food for thought.  On the one hand her advice is one liners like whatever you do don’t use True Twit because it is not a good way to build a relationship with a new follower.  On the other she explains why we need to start addressing ethics in social media – a meaty topic if ever there was one.  I hope this article has aroused your interest sufficiently that you will go out and buy the book if you have not done so already.

By Kate Griffith

© 2013 Enlightening Times All Rights Reserved

Author Bio My purpose is to help build more values-based organisations and I do that through using a range of tools that I have picked up working in the People and Change practice of a global professional services firm for over 10 years. Implicit in all of this are my spiritual leanings that come from my training in reiki 

Currently my passion is helping individuals, teams and leaders have more mindful dialogue by creating conversations that lead to change. For such conversations to happen it is vital that consideration is given to the environment, the energy of each participant and as a facilitator it is my role to build a safe space to allow the magic to happen. 

Another way that I am helping the emergence of new paradigm businesses is through my role as a Director of the 7 Graces project. We are part way through piloting an online course with 15 participants that explores what owning an ethical business and how to market in a way that feeds society rather than feeds upon it.

As a coach I work with individual clients on specific challenges where they need to have courageous conversations. I facilitate regular Connection through Conversation half day events which is an opportunity for solopreneurs in particular to meet and build deep connection with others. I also run bespoke workshops and do consultancy for organisations. 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Girl Against Fluoride by Aisling Fitzgibbon

The Girl Against Fluoride – the campaign that has captured the hearts and minds of the nation.

The Girl Against Fluoride campaign has continued to penetrate the wall of silence surrounding water fluoridation by taking part in events around the country and gaining support  from celebrities and professionals from home and abroad. Although I have used somewhat unconventional methods to draw attention to our fluoridation issue I have now achieved a national following.   In November 2012, I braved the winter chill and stripped outside the Dail along with a few other brave hearts.

The response was overwhelmingly positive. People who had no knowledge of the fluoride issue were captivated by The Girl Against Fluoride and were drawn to the campaign.  Undaunted by winter temperature in December 2012, I once again stripped on Grafton Street along with other activists who wished to highlight the fact that we’re being drugged against our will with an unlicensed untested chemical. Luke Ming Flanagan, an Independent TD from Roscommon joined me. Ming objects to us being mass medicated and pointed out that 98% of Europe have either, banned, stopped or rejected water fluoridation. He believes that as the water fluoridation chemicals have now entered the food chain this could have far reaching consequences for our export trade. As fluoride is regarded as a medicine by the European Court of Justice since 2005, it is incumbent on any government to state that foods containing fluoride have medicinal properties. It would therefore be illegal to export our foods as medicinal law takes precedence over food law. Farmers and producers of food using fluoridated water could hold their water provider accountable in law for their losses, if the rest of Europe refuses to buy food that is contaminated with water fluoridation chemicals.

People learning from fun and positivity, has been the hallmark of this campaign. People tend to recoil from the hard hitting health impacts of water fluoridation but they ease into the information through the medium of song, dance and flamboyant events. Paddy Casey has endorsed The Girl Against Fluoride campaign and is writing a song to support the cause. Paddy Casey and Mundy will also take part in a gig to help raise funds for the campaign. Christy Moore has endorsed the campaign and we hope he will join in the fundraiser gig alongside more talented high profile musicians.

Since the February 2013, Hot Press magazine have been covering the fluoride issue at great length running it in the past 9 editions. Hot Press have published evidence to conclusively link the fact that Ireland has the sickest population in Europe to the reality that we are the only country within the EU to engage in a policy of mandatory fluoridation.  All articles are available to read at (search fluoride)

Court case proceedings will be launched this year, The Girl Against Fluoride versus the State. The case will focus on the right to bodily integrity. The case will be similar to the original case of Ryan V the Attorney General in 1963.  Gladys Ryan argued that water fluoridation was mass medication and therefore was unconstitutional. Gladys Ryan lost the case as she was told she could filter her water and access fluoride free water from pumps near her home.

There are no warnings issued to any of the citizens of this country of the side effects of water fluoridation. The Health Service admit it causes dental fluorosis which could mean the state being liable for numerous dental bills in the future. Recent research from Declan Waugh, the environmental scientist from Co.Cork, whose reports have been sent to the Irish government, has examined the impact of water fluoridation on health. Declan Waugh has done what the Irish Expert Body on Fluorides and Health has failed to do, which is to fully examine the impact of the fluoridation chemicals on humans and the environment.  Fluoride is a risk factor in neurological disease as well as other major diseases including hypothyroidism, diabetes and kidney disease.

The overwhelming consensus by dental researchers is that fluoride’s primary effect is topical, not systemic, and that this topical effect occurs after the teeth have erupted into the mouth, not before. There is no need to swallow fluoride, especially during infancy and early childhood. As the US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) stated in 1999 “fluoride prevents dental caries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children”.

The Girl Against Fluoride is a PR campaign that was created to draw attention to the water fluoridation issue before the court case. I need public support so that when I go to the high court enough people will exert pressure on the judges sitting on the case.  Paul Connett, former Professor of Chemistry from St Lawrence University in New York and dentist Jim Maxey from the US fully endorse the campaign to remove water fluoridation chemicals from Ireland. I am hoping that more and more celebrities and professionals get on board to draw attention to the water fluoridation issue.

We are being forced to drink industrial grade water fluoridation chemicals that contain contaminants such as lead, arsenic, aluminium, cadmium and mercury. I would like people to do their own research instead of defending their pro fluoride stance. Please review the literature on

Fluoride causes apathy, a lassitude that seems to affect so many Irish people today. Is it any wonder there is little objection to our country’s wealth being siphoned off to bond holders and international bankers? We need energy to rise up and claim what is rightfully ours. A fluoride free Ireland will be the catalyst to our evolution as a nation. 

On the lead up to the court case I need to raise funds to cover the basic expenses of the legal team and also to pay to fly in expert witnesses to testify against fluoride. The Girl Against Fluoride has become more than a campaign. It has become a symbol of hope, of what is possible when we dare to dream and act on those dreams.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Reintroducing Ganesh by Sugandha Chadda

As I sat down thinking what could be the subject of that that first article that I could write for this magazine, my mind rummages through cultures, tarot,religious practices,my country, occurred to me...the
first....pratham pujya(worshipped first) the one who is loved most as the face of Hinduism.... Ganesha. The elephant headed god...the remover of we feel instinctively drawn to...for there is none like him...

This article reintroduces ganesha as Hinduism sees him... Ganesh atharvashirsha a Sanskrit hymn(classified as one of the Upanishads) introduces ganesha signifies ganesh as the everything of the universe...following is the text with its translation.

Om Namste Ganpataye

Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi
Tvamev Kevalam Kartasi
Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi
Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi
Tvamev Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi
Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam || 1 ||
O Lord Ganesha
I Pay my deep homage to you, the Lord of the Deva-Gana
You are the first facet of the Bramha-Tatva to arise
You have alone created this Entire universe
You alone can maintain this universe
You are indeed the all conquering supreme Lord
Indeed you are the "ATMA" || 1 ||
Rritam Vachmi
Satyam Vachmi || 2 ||
Speak noble fact
Speak complete Truth || 2 ||
Ava tvam Mam
Ava Vaktaram
Ava Shrotaram
Ava Dataram
Ava Dhataram
Avanuchanamv Shishyam
Ava Paschatat
Ava Purastat
Avo Uttaratat
Ava Dakshinatat
Ava chordhvatat
Ava Dharatat
Sarvatomam Pahi Pahi Samantat || 3 ||
Protect me
Protect the one who Describes you
Protect all who hear about your characteristics
Protect me & the disciples who are under Tutelage
Protect me from the obstacles (which arise during Rituals)
From the east (Similarly)
Protect me from the West,
From the North
From the South
Protect me from above & below
Protect me from all directions || 3 ||
Tvam Vangmayastvam Chinmaya
Tvam Anandmayastvam Bramhamaya
Tvam Sachitananda Dvitiyosi
Tvam Pratyaksham Bramhasi
Tvam Jnanmayo Vijnanamayo Asi || 4 ||
You are the constituent of speech
You are Joy & Immortal Consciousness
You are Truth, Mind & Bliss... one without a second
You are none other than divinity
You are Knowledge of Gross & Subtle types Om Namste Ganpataye
Tvameva Pratyaksham Tatvamasi
Tvamev Kevalam Kartasi
Tvamev Kevalam Dhartasi
Tvamev Kevlam Hartasi
Tvamev Sarvam Khalvidam Bramhasi
Tvam Sakshadatmasi Nityam || 1 ||
O Lord Ganesha
I Pay my deep homage to you, the Lord of the Deva-Gana
You are the first facet of the Bramha-Tatva to arise
You have alone created this Entire universe
You alone can maintain this universe
You are indeed the all conquering supreme Lord
Indeed you are the "ATMA" || 1 ||
Rritam Vachmi
Satyam Vachmi || 2 ||
Speak noble fact
Speak complete Truth || 2 ||
Ava tvam Mam
Ava Vaktaram
Ava Shrotaram
Ava Dataram
Ava Dhataram
Avanuchanamv Shishyam
Ava Paschatat
Ava Purastat
Avo Uttaratat
Ava Dakshinatat
Ava chordhvatat
Ava Dharatat
Sarvatomam Pahi Pahi Samantat || 3 ||
Protect me
Protect the one who Describes you
Protect all who hear about your characteristics
Protect me & the disciples who are under Tutelage
Protect me from the obstacles (which arise during Rituals)
From the east (Similarly)
Protect me from the West,
From the North
From the South
Protect me from above & below
Protect me from all directions || 3 ||
Tvam Vangmayastvam Chinmaya
Tvam Anandmayastvam Bramhamaya
Tvam Sachitananda Dvitiyosi
Tvam Pratyaksham Bramhasi
Tvam Jnanmayo Vijnanamayo Asi || 4 ||
You are the constituent of speech
You are Joy & Immortal Consciousness
You are Truth, Mind & Bliss... one without a second
You are none other than divinity
You are Knowledge of Gross & Subtle types || 4 ||
Sarvam Jagadidam Tatvo Jayate
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvat Sti Shastati
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvay Layamesyati
Sarvam Jagadidam Tvayi Pratyeti
Tvam Bhumi Rapo Nalo Nilo Nabha
Tvam Chatvarim Vak Padaini || 5 ||
All the Universes manifest due to you
All the Universes are sustained by you
All the Universes get destroyed in you
All the Universes finally get merged in you
You alone are Earth. Water, Fire, Air & Either
You are the 4 types of speech & the root source of sound || 5 ||
Tvam Guna Traya Atitaha
Tvam Deha Treya Atitaha
Tvam Kala Treya Atitaha
Tvam Avastreya Atitaha
Tvam Muladhar Stiti Yosi Nityam
Tvam Shakti Treya Atmakaha
Tvam Yogino Dhayayanti Nityam
Tvam Bramhastvan, Vishnustvam, Rudrastvam, Indrastvam Agnistvam, Vayustvam,
Suryastvam, Chndramastvam, Bramha Bhur Bhuva Svorom || 6 ||
You are beyond the 3 'GUNAS', (Satva; Pure, Rajas: Activating & Tamas:
You are beyond the 3 Bodies; (Gross, Subtle & Casual)
You are beyond Past, Present & Future (3 State of Time)
You are beyond 3 states of being; (Awake, dream & Deep Sleep)
You always Reside in the "MULADHARA" Chakra
You are the trinity of Power; (Creative Maintaining & Destructive Powers)
Sages always Meditate on you
You are the creator. Sustainer, Destroyer, The Lord of 3 worlds, Fire, Air,
Sun, Moon, You are all inclusive & all Pervading || 6 ||
Ganadim Purvamuccharaya Varnadim Tada Nantaram
Anusvara Paratarah
Ardhendu Lasitam
Taren Hridam
Etatva Manu Svarupam
Gakarah Purva Rupam
Akaro Madhyam Rupam
Anu Svaraschantya Rupam
Bindu Ruta Rupam
Nadah Sandhanam
Sagm Hitaa Sandihi
Sesha Ganeshvidhya
Ganal Rishi; Nichrud Gayatri chandah
Ganpatir devata
Om 'GUNG' Ganpataye Namah || 7 ||

After Describing the Characteristics & Cosmic Attributes Of Lord Ganesha, Atharvan Rishi Gives us the Sacred "GANESH VIDYA" i.e. the Mantra which Reveals the Sacred Form of Lord Ganesh. The Letter "GA" is to be enunciated, following by "NA" This one word Mantra is then Potentiated with the "PRANAVA" "OM". This is Sacred Mantra. (In order to make it Simpler, Atharvan Rishi Present the above easier FASHION, Remember that Knowledge was transmitted orally in those days.)

"GA" is the first part, "Na" is the middle & end "UM" formed by the bindu is conjoined with the foregoing & all of them form the Sacred word. This Mantra if pronounced properly, has the power of revaling The Divine Lord Ganesh, The sage who receives the Mantra is Ganaka & the Metre is "NICHRAT GAYATRI" The Diety is Ganapati. Om 'GANG' Ganapati My salutation to you ||

7 ||
Saying Thus, The Devotees should bow to the Lord.
Ek Dantaya Vid Mahe vakra Tundaya Dhimahi
Tanno danti Prachodayat || 8 ||
Mediate on the single Tusked Lord, with bent Trunk
May He Grant Knowledge & Inspire me || 8 ||
Ek Dantam Chatur Hastam Pashmam Kusha Dharinam
Radamch Vardam Hastair Bhi Bhranum Mushaka Dhvajam
Raktam Lambodaram Shoorpakarnkam Rakta Vasasamam
Raktam Gandhanu Liptangam Rakta Pushpaihi saupujitam
Bhaktanu Kampinam Devam Jagat Karnam Achutam
Avir Bhutam Cha Shrasta Yadao, Prakruthe Purushat Param
Evam Dhayayati Yo Nityam, Sa Yogi Yoginam Varah || 9 ||
The "SAGUNA" Form of Lord Ganesha is presented in the above Shloka I salute
the Lord with 1 tusk (Right side) Who has 4 hands;
Upper Right carrying binding rope; Upper left hoalding goad; lower left
carrying Broken tusk & the lower right blesses us, the mouse on his banner
is also his vehicle.
He is blood red in colour; Pot-Bellied; He has elephant ears & wears red clothes
He is smeared with red sandalwood & decorated with red flowers
He is eternally blessings his devotees & was existing before Cosmos
He is beyond "PRAKRITI" & "PURUSHA" & is ever creating universes
One who meditates on him constantly, is a Supreme Yogi || 9 ||
(This is the Ganesh "Gayatri", Which is Self Sufficient)
Namo Vrat Pataye, Namo Ganapataye
Namo Pramatha patye, Namste Stu Lambodaraya Ekdantaya, Vighna Nashine Shiv
Sutaya, Sri Varad Murtiye Namo Namah || 10 ||
Salutations to you Lord of all Deities, Ganas & all beings
(Salutations To) The Post-Bellied one with 1 Tusk who destroys all
obstacles, son if Shiva The Divine Lord who grants, Boons (We bow to you)
Taking your name || 10 | Nilo Nabha
Tvam Chatvarim Vak Padaini || 5 ||
All the Universes manifest due to you
All the Universes are sustained by you
All the Universes get destroyed in you
All the Universes finally get merged in you
You alone are Earth. Water, Fire, Air & Either
You are the 4 types of speech & the root source of sound || 5 ||
Tvam Guna Traya Atitaha
Tvam Deha Treya Atitaha
Tvam Kala Treya Atitaha
Tvam Avastreya Atitaha
Tvam Muladhar Stiti Yosi Nityam
Tvam Shakti Treya Atmakaha
Tvam Yogino Dhayayanti Nityam
Tvam Bramhastvan, Vishnustvam, Rudrastvam, Indrastvam Agnistvam, Vayustvam,
Suryastvam, Chndramastvam, Bramha Bhur Bhuva Svorom || 6 ||
You are beyond the 3 'GUNAS', (Satva; Pure, Rajas: ActivatingTamas:
You are beyond the 3 Bodies; (Gross, Subtle & Casual)
You are beyond Past, Present & Future (3 State of Time)
You are beyond 3 states of being; (Awake, dream & Deep Sleep)
You always Reside in the "MULADHARA" Chakra
You are the trinity of Power; (Creative Maintaining &; Destructive Powers)
Sages always Meditate on you
You are the creator. Sustainer, Destroyer, The Lord of 3 worlds, Fire, Air,
Sun, Moon, You are all inclusive all Pervading || 6 ||
Ganadim Purvamuccharaya Varnadim Tada Nantaram
Anusvara Paratarah
Ardhendu Lasitam
Taren Hridam
Etatva Manu Svarupam
Gakarah Purva Rupam
Akaro Madhyam Rupam
Anu Svaraschantya Rupam
Bindu Ruta Rupam
Nadah Sandhanam
Sagm Hitaa Sandihi
Sesha Ganeshvidhya
Ganal Rishi; Nichrud Gayatri chandah
Ganpatir devata
Om 'GUNG' Ganpataye Namah || 7 ||
After Describing the Characteristics &; Cosmic Attributes Of Lord Ganesha,
Atharvan Rishi Gives us the Sacred "GANESH VIDYA" i.e. the Mantra which
Reveals the Sacred Form of Lord Ganesh. The Letter "GA" is to be
enunciated, following by "NA" This one word Mantra is then Potentiated with
the "PRANAVA" "OM". This is Sacred Mantra. (In order to make it Simpler,
Atharvan Rishi Present the above easier FASHION, Remember that Knowledge
was transmitted orally in those days.)

"GA" is the first part, "Na" is the middle & end "UM" formed by the bindu
is conjoined with the foregoing & all of them form the Sacred word. This
Mantra if pronounced properly, has the power of revaling The Divine Lord
Ganesh, The sage who receives the Mantra is Ganaka &; the Metre is "NICHRAT
GAYATRI" The Diety is Ganapati. Om 'GANG' Ganapati My salutation to you ||
7 ||
Saying Thus, The Devotees should bow to the Lord.
Ek Dantaya Vid Mahe vakra Tundaya Dhimahi
Tanno danti Prachodayat || 8 ||
Mediate on the single Tusked Lord, with bent Trunk
May He Grant Knowledge & Inspire me || 8 ||
Ek Dantam Chatur Hastam Pashmam Kusha Dharinam
Radamch Vardam Hastair Bhi Bhranum Mushaka Dhvajam
Raktam Lambodaram Shoorpakarnkam Rakta Vasasamam
Raktam Gandhanu Liptangam Rakta Pushpaihi saupujitam
Bhaktanu Kampinam Devam Jagat Karnam Achutam
Avir Bhutam Cha Shrasta Yadao, Prakruthe Purushat Param
Evam Dhayayati Yo Nityam, Sa Yogi Yoginam Varah || 9 ||
The "SAGUNA" Form of Lord Ganesha is presented in the above Shloka I salute
the Lord with 1 tusk (Right side) Who has 4 hands;
Upper Right carrying binding rope; Upper left hoalding goad; lower left
carrying Broken tusk & the lower right blesses us, the mouse on his banner
is also his vehicle.
He is blood red in colour; Pot-Bellied; He has elephant ears & wears red clothes
He is smeared with red sandalwood &; decorated with red flowers
He is eternally blessings his devotees &; was existing before Cosmos
He is beyond "PRAKRITI" & "PURUSHA" & is ever creating universes
One who meditates on him constantly, is a Supreme Yogi || 9 ||
(This is the Ganesh "Gayatri", Which is Self Sufficient)
Namo Vrat Pataye, Namo Ganapataye
Namo Pramatha patye, Namste Stu Lambodaraya Ekdantaya, Vighna Nashine Shiv
Sutaya, Sri Varad Murtiye Namo Namah || 10 ||
Salutations to you Lord of all Deities, Ganas & all beings
(Salutations To) The Post-Bellied one with 1 Tusk who destroys all
obstacles, son if Shiva The Divine Lord who grants, Boons (We bow to you)
Taking your name || 10 |

sugandha chaddaHinduism sees ganesha as its something in everything...the ultimate...the soul of vedic culture...everything about ganesh be it his birth his elephant head or his persona speaks of beating the odds and winning one's own self he kills the demons inside us demons of greed,lust,ego etc....

Ganesha isn't just a deity he is a life philosophy for once you tread on the path shown by him you have nothing to fear....for the remover of obstacles guides you on your journey..... Jai shree ganeshaye namah!

Suganda is 27 year old tarot reader from India reading professionally for last
13 years. She got her first deck when she was 14 and hasn't looked back since.
She reads face to face ,on phone and via emails.Also past life regression, chakra healing.She teaches tarot, meditation. Does fengshui audits professionally. Also a motivational speaker.

Insights on Tarot Symbolism by Lynda Stevens 2013

 The Wheel of Fortune - 10

In traditional packs, the word "Tora" often appears on the wheel itself, which reversed means "rota" or"wheel", which in one way the Tarot actually is, another reason why the Fool has no number. The Fool may simultaneously be at the beginning or the end of his eternal round through the wheels of fate. Perhaps this is why the Wheel occurs exactly halfway through the sequence of the Major Arcana.

The biggest Wheel of Fortune of all actually consists of the zodiac with the planets moving against this backdrop. In this card, the four points of the Wheel are represented by the four fixed signs, the Scorpion or Serpent, the Lion, the Bull and the Man (or water bearer). These signs (which also appear in the biblical Revelation, in what has been described by some to depict the portentous passing of a Great Age - from Pisces to Aquarius - into another) describe a good combination of animal and bestial energies. In some packs, the whole Wheel is shown to be being set in motion by a monkey. There may well be certain good reasons for all of this, and this commentator will now attempt to pick out what seems to be the more relevant ones.

As a Great Circle, the zodiac is infinite, as once one cycle is completed, a new one begins. Yet, everything is still subject to change. The wheel may actually be derived from eastern philosophy, where the endless cycle of incarnation is called the illusory chain of being, Samsara. Progress and entropy, therefore, are equally part of the same cycle, reminding as that what goes up must come down, that a rich man may become a beggar, a fine civilisation give way to decadence and the seeds of its own downfall, and so on. The design for this card is partly inspired by a series of street posters that appeared in the late eighties depicting a large wheel. The street poster was there to encourage new members to join meditation classes to learn how to be more at the centre of the wheel rather than at its periphery, where it is easier to be enmeshed in trivial external events. The Buddhist aim, of course, may ultimately be to gain some sense of liberation from the entire wheel altogether, with its endless chain of progress and entropy.

The lust to discover the thread behind this never-ending chain of events, however, has impelled many a diviner to seek the foolproof key to lottery winning, that elusive congruence of cosmic factors, which may lead to the ultimate jackpot. The fact that no diviner has yet found a foolproof way to predict such things is perhaps an indication that this is simply not meant to be! The thrill of the gamble, however, certainly seems to draw certain individuals in a way which suggests that its pull must be almost numinous by nature: the desire, perhaps, to wrest away the secrets of Fate itself.

This is why the design for this card depicts a pinball image where  wheels really do exist within wheels: no-one's fate can ever be said to exist outside that of his or her associates, workplace or country.

The catastrophic cusp, further hints at the sheer unpredictability of fate, in which an initial triggering event - the straw that breaks the camel's back - may precipitate into motion ripples of cause and effect that may bring new variables into areas of life that lie far beyond their initial source.

Wherever it turns up in a spread, the card may well be counselling the querent to "go with the flow" as it were, to try and see which way the cat is going to jump. The Wheel of Fortune always augurs change, and requires a willingness to take risks. While an element of potluck is undeniably present, so are new opportunities that may promise a shift in fortunes generally. From what has been said all through the comments made on this card, however, an ability to stand back may be counselled, so that the querent is not unduly swayed by trivial and superficially upsetting events, like a cork in the ocean. The point is to become a skilled negotiator through the vicissitudes of fortune, rather than a blind victim.

This card was updated recently and is different from the version published by Adam Mc Clean in 2006.

The Devil - 15

The Devil card in the Chalice pack has attempted to be the backlash from Temperance's Promethean guilt or angst - everything a devil should be. Here, he is virtually a caricature with the eyes of Beelzebub, the horns of a beast, bat's wings, and a large, erect phallus.
Neither the chains nor the enslaved couple has been forgotten: these appear in the top left panel. The pentagram points downwards, symbolising the dominion of matter over spirit. The Devil corresponds to Saturn-ruled Capricorn - many commentators have suggested that it is no accident that "Saturn" and "Satan" have such a similar spelling. Saturn in astrology is frequently the bête noir for most people, the area of life where the individual is most likely to hold himself or herself back.

In the Old Testament the word "satan" originally meant "adversary". In the book, Satan's role is to challenge both God and Job, literally playing the Devil's Advocate by ruthlessly challenging the integrity of the most cherished beliefs they possess. When the chips are down, Satan demands - are you really the nice, good person you think you are?

Satan, rather like a moral tax collector, is hardly likely to gain brownie points for popularity in this incarnation. Yet without this testing, real self-knowledge may never be reached. The Devil may well appear in a spread where the querent is likely to face a similar challenge. Much like the board game Scruples, the Devil allows us to find out whether or not we really would read our boyfriend's diary, cheat at cards, or sleep with our best friend's lover. Naturally, many people balk at this self-knowledge. It can be more comfortable to find a scapegoat for all these nastier, personal qualities instead. This is what Jung called the problem of the "shadow", where the socially-conditioned ego disowns those qualities not in keeping with its own self-image.

This is what is meant by what some anthropologists call a "folk devil" and the rabid hatred engendered by them is unmistakable. Folk devils may include Jews, blacks, Communists, the unemployed; the list is endless. For this commentator, at least, another strong clue that this form of scapegoating is taking place is that the folk devil is said to be dirty, or to smell bad, perhaps possessing a rampant sexuality. The Chalice pack wished to draw attention to the Devil's more instinctual qualities. As shadow, he is also Master of the id.

The image of the Devil himself is said to be derived from the hornèd god Pan, himself a scapegoat of Christian totalitarianism. Those of a pagan persuasion may see in the Hornèd One a rehabilitated image of a sensitised male sexuality.

Before the process of rehabilitation is complete, however, it is worth remembering that the Devil is still capable of being the Prince of Lies. There are many individuals who rationalise life decisions made out of fear and bad faith rather than through authentic choice. These are the people who hold onto jobs or partners they dislike because on some level they have sold their souls to a less worthy goal, such as security. The Devil may then remind the querents that they themselves are their own worst gaolers, not the situation itself. "Better the devil you know", these individuals may cry.

In traditional packs, the word "Tora" often appears on the wheel itself, which reversed means "rota" or"wheel", which in one way the Tarot actually is, another reason why the Fool has no number. The Fool may simultaneously be at the beginning or the end of his eternal round through the wheels of fate. Perhaps this is why the Wheel occurs exactly halfway through the sequence of the Major Arcana.

The biggest Wheel of Fortune of all actually consists of the zodiac with the planets moving against this backdrop. In this card, the four points of the Wheel are represented by the four fixed signs, the Scorpion or Serpent, the Lion, the Bull and the Man (or water bearer). These signs (which also appear in the biblical Revelation, in what has been described by some to depict the portentous passing of a Great Age - from Pisces to Aquarius - into another) describe a good combination of animal and bestial energies. In some packs, the whole Wheel is shown to be being set in motion by a monkey. There may well be certain good reasons for all of this, and this commentator will now attempt to pick out what seems to be the more relevant ones.

 by Lynda Stevens 2013

© 2013 Enlightening Times All Rights Reserved

Sharpening the Edge: A Personal Experience by Miguel Marques

Sharpening the Edge: A Personal Experience

by Miguel Marques 2013

A few weeks ago, a challenge was issued at a Tarot forum. Take two cards and find a mission impossible to meet and the way in which we could accomplish it. I took the 4 of Swords and the 6 of Cups, and without knowing why, started on a ramble that ended with a very simple statement: “to unite heart and mind into a single being and use the orientations of my guides in order to achieve a state of No-Mind that would allow me to strike down the current blocks in my life”.

As I wrote this, I felt this to be a worthy challenge. But then it hit me. People in the whole world dedicate their entire lives in pursuit of something I proposed to achieve in a week. I cursed the life out of me for my recklessness, always a good sign when you’re engaging in self awareness.

Mack once wrote that we’re very good at doing the impossible when we don’t see it as such [1]. With that in mind, I started to plan the week ahead. My first card was Swords, so the goal would be Sword related. Balance, Fluidity, Sharpness. Cups was the path, so Nourishment and Emotions would be my way there. Soho stated that only a clear mind can lead the body into doing what needs to be done [2]. My first approach was then meditation and piano practice. If meditation seems clear enough, piano practice came as a need to compliment the No-Mind state and put it in use in a real situation. How? Try doing different things with each hand at the same time. Different movements. Different rhythms. Applying a different force in each and every moment. Now, try to keep it coherent. Fluid. Balanced. That’s piano playing.

Meditation didn’t seem to help, so I switched to the Twin Hearts Meditation [3] and continued with the piano, from which came my first breakthrough. I was now on the third day when I realized that fluidity is everything and any constrain we stumble upon should be addressed with confidence and dexterity.
This was put to the test at the gym: doing a different exercise plan every day, where I wouldn’t know what came next. The objective would be to focus on each exercise, each movement, and let everything else go. Not thinking about time, exhaustion and what came next led me into a state where only that moment counted. And all my strength had to be applied there. In that moment. In every moment. By not thinking, I was able to do exercises I thought I couldn’t do and in doing them, I was impressing on my body a new code: “Don’t worry. Don’t think. Just do it and do it well”.

My second breakthrough came from the Meditation. In the Twin Hearts Meditation, you open your heart and crown chakras to the Universe/Supreme Being/Whatever you want to put here. And a higher energy does come down, whether you want it or not. If you’re searching for something, this energy will present itself in the form of a key. In my case, it came in the form of a sword. A bright sword capable of slashing every block I had built around me. I had asked for orientation, and I received a weapon. A flood of information entered my mind and reality came tumbling down.

Or so it seemed at the time.

Moore’s words about how swords are used to cut things down [4] with Soho’s words about putting your life behind the sword [2]. Inoue on how praying opens up a channel to the gods [5] alongside Mack’s view of praying as a form of talking to oneself [6]. How every goal we set for ourselves in unobtainable and we just move from one level to the next level, never once reaching the top of the mountain [5]. Morrison’s illustration of identity and non-identity; about is and isn’t [7]. Images kept pouring into my mind from all angles.

And then it stopped.

Ever since I know myself that I love comics.  I’ve been reading them for almost 30 years now and I’ve learned a great deal from them. I’ve learned about philosophy and art; reality and imagination. I’ve found references that put me on the path I am today. And if I’m the tarot reader that I am today, I owe it to them. For fuelling my imagination with every kind of image and training me into putting pictures together and filling in the blank spaces between two images with my intuition and my imagination. It seemed only fitting that my understanding would come from such a venue.

Realization came: there are no blocks. Only restrictions we put upon ourselves. Something I intimately knew for a very long time, before I let the outer world erase it from my mind.

Realization came and everyone of us is a god. Or maybe a shadow of a god that somehow forgot its power. Something we all can learn by connecting with our higher selves.
Fool from the Soulscapes Tarot

Realization came, and suddenly, the book of stories known as the Tarot was seen as the Minor Arcana, with the Major Arcana playing the part of a deux ex machina.

Realization came by a stroke of a sword.

Life has now resumed its pace. My friends say I have a new attitude this last few weeks. I became more focused and less preoccupied. As if nothing had importance except this very instant. People seem closer and more receptive than before. A new story has begun. One that starts with “once upon a time there was a Fool that believed anything was possible…”

© 2013 Enlightening Times All Rights Reserved

[1] David Mack, Kabuki: The Alchemy, Marvel Comics, 2009
[2] Takuan Soho, The Unfettered Mind, Shamballa Inc, 2012
[3], as accessed on the 7th June 2013
[4] Alan Moore, J. H. Williams III, Promethea: Book 1, Wildstorm, 2001
[5] Takehiko Inoue, Vagabond VIZBIG Edition 11, Viz, 2012
[6] David Mack, Kabuki: Metamorphosis, Image Comics, 2001

[7] Grant Morrison, Phil Jimenez, The Invisibles Vol. 4: Bloody Hell in America, Vertigo/DC Comics, 1998